ThisGood Healthcare Subsidy Program

Everyone deserves quality healthcare.

We are contributing 20% nett profit after tax to ThisGood Healthcare Subsidy program.

This is a pure initiative offered to our community as an aid to cover for healthcare related subsidization, including but not limited to medication bills, hospital bills, health screening bills, treatment bills and other related healthcare bills.

Selections will be prioritized based on circumstances and/or medical condition. Priority will be reserved for individuals who are not entitled to government's facility, have no insurance support or have exceeded the insured claimable amount.


  • Support will be provided in the form of monetary (cash). 
  • 20% of nett profit after tax will be contributed as goodwill to the subsidization fund, subsidy amount will vary and distribute based on application, individual circumstances, total number of applicants in queue and fund balance.
  • We do not accept donations, this program is solely funded out of goodwill, from the profit generated from
  • This is not a loan, or any similar sort, pure initiative by THIS GOOD CO, does not require return of favor in any form.



Application is open for all, we encourage to reserve the slots to people in need. To submit a subsidy request, kindly write in to, your application will be screened and our community care support will reach out via email to assist with the application.

Note: Health care documents and/or receipts may be required as part of our screening and validation process. However, all personal information will be kept confidential, protected and will not be disclosed in any form.



    We aim to be as transparent as we can in this process.

    Subsidization fund balance will be disclosed for public, contributions history will be listed with no disclosure of personal information of the beneficiary.

    *Application is open.